Native Atlantan, Evelyn Greenblatt Howren, was bit by the flying bug when she was 18. She soloed in a Piper J-3 Cub at Candler Field in early 1941. By December of that year she had earned her private rating and joined the Civil Air Patrol with membership in the first all-women CAP squadron. She remained active in CAP for many years and earned a Command Pilot rating. In June 1942, she was one of the three pilots named to the first class of eight women Air Traffic Controller Trainees. Released from ATC duties in November to become a member of the first class of thirty-five Women's Air force Service Pilots, she was among twenty-three graduates at Ellington Field, Houston, Texas in April, 1943. From that time until her honorable discharge at disbanding of the WASP in December 1944, Howren test-flew and ferried more than twenty types of planes for the military. In addition, she flew more than three dozen civilian craft.
Upon her return to civilian life, with 3,000 hours flight time, instrument, instructor and twin-engine ratings, Howren became a flight instructor for Gate City Aero Service at Candler Field. In 1947, she established Flightways, Inc. in collaboration with Hillings V. Howren. The company grew rapidly and successfully into a full service fixed-base operation in Georgia. There were few in the nation. A charter member of the Ninety-Nines in Georgia and one of the organizers of the Atlanta Women's Aero Club, she flew in the "Powder Puff Derby," women's transcontinental air race. In 1951, she was appointed captain in the United States Air Force Reserve. As secretary-treasurer of the Georgia Aviation Trades Association from 1950 to 1965, she was instrumental in promoting state legislation to enhance interest and activity in Georgia aviation.
Evelyn Greenblatt Howren, pioneer pilot, teacher, entrepreneur and role model, was enshrined May 7, 1994.