Robert Lee Scott, Jr., born and reared in Macon, launched his flight career at age 12 in a home-made glider which crash landed. Undaunted, he enlisted later in the U. S. Army Infantry as a private to seek successfully in 1928 a presidential appointment to West Point. Subsequently, he won his wings at the Army Flying Center, Randolph Field, Texas, in 1933. He flew airmail along "Hell Stretch" (Newark, N. J. to Cleveland, Ohio) in 1934. Tours in pursuit aviation and as flight instructor followed with advance from lieutenant to lieutenant colonel within a year during the expansion program preceding World War II. He flew as a "guest" with General Claire Chennault's Flying Tigers and in 1942 became first commander of the 23rd Fighter Group of China Air Task Force under Chennault. A combat leader Ace accounting for 22 "kills," he received three Silver Stars, three Distinguished Flying Crosses, and five Air Medals. After the war, Scott served on the task force to win autonomy for the Air Force. He commanded, the first jet fighting school at Williams, Field, Arizona, 1947- 49. Scott retired from the U. S. Air Force as Brigadier General in 1957. He flew more than 20 hours solo in the F-16 at age 76 and piloted an F-15 at age 80. His best-selling book, "God Is My Co-Pilot," became a successful film during World War II. In 1988, he published. "The Day I Owned the Sky."
Robert Lee Scott was enshrined August 26. 1989, in recognition of a vigorous life dedicated to aviation and the service of his country.